Data Science / Machine Learning for Safe Medical Diagnostics

We work on robust and interpretable algorithms that enable machine learning algorithms to be applied in the clinical workflow in ophthalmology.

Portrait of Ifeoma Veronica Nwabufo from Hertie AI

Ifeoma Veronica Nwabufo

Ifeoma Nwabufo is a PhD student in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health at the University of Tübingen. She is…
Portrait of Kerol Djoumessi from Hertie AI

Kerol Djoumessi

Kerol Djoumessi is a PhD student in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health at the University of Tübingen and an…

Verena Jasmin Hallitschke

Verena Hallitschke is interested in advancing language-based interactions with medical images, as it is the most intuitive form of communication. She…
Portrait of Huang Ziwei, Hertie AI

Dr. Ziwei Huang

Ziwei Huang is a scientific software developer at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health at the University of Tübingen. Previously, he studied…
Portrait of Julius Gervelmeyer from Hertie AI

Julius Gervelmeyer

Julius Gervelmeyer is a PhD student at the Department of Data Science at Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health, University of Tübingen. He is a…
Portrait of Samuel Ofosu Mensah from Hertie AI

Dr. Samuel Ofosu Mensah

Samuel Ofosu Mensah is a postdoc in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health at the University of Tübingen. He…
Portrait of Sarah Müller from Hertie AI

Sarah Müller

Sarah is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health at the University of Tübingen, an IMPRS-IS…


Portrait of Indu Ilanchezian from Hertie AI

Indu Ilanchezian

Indu Ilanchezian is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health at the University of Tübingen and…
Portrait of Patrick Köhler from Hertie AI

Patrick Köhler

Patrick is s PhD student in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health at the University of Tübingen and works with…
Portrait of Lisa Koch from Hertie AI

Dr. Lisa Koch

Lisa Koch is a group leader for machine learning in medical diagnostics in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain…