Dr. Samuel Ofosu Mensah

Samuel Ofosu Mensah
Samuel Ofosu Mensah is a postdoc in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health at the University of Tübingen. He develops deep learning models for medical images. Specifically, his research focuses on disease detection in retina images and federated learning. His background is in Statistics and Applied Mathematics.
My research aims to develop cutting-edge deep learning models for disease detection in retina images.

Present Positions And Title


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Since 2023University of Tübingen, Berens Lab PostDoc 
2021 - 2022University of Tübingen, Berens Lab Visiting Scientist 
2019 - 2023Stellenbosch University and AIMS Soutd AfricaPhD student

Academic Education

YearDergreeInstitutionField of Study
2023PhDStellenbosch University and AIMS Soutd AfricaApplied Mathematics
2018MScStellenbosch University and AIMS Soutd AfricaApplied Mathematics
2017MScUniversity of Cape Town and AIMS Soutd AfricaApplied Mathematics
2014BScUniversity for Development StudiesStatistics