Dr. Lisa Koch

Lisa Koch
Lisa Koch is a group leader for machine learning in medical diagnostics in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health at the University of Tübingen. She works on machine learning for biomedical data analysis and has a background in academic research as well as developing machine learning products for medical devices. She focusses on research in trustworthy AI which can ultimately benefit patient health in a safe and effective way. Lisa Koch is an IMPRS-IS associated scientist.
Trustworthy AI will transform patient care in the coming years. In our research, we make sure that AI-enabled healthcare is safe and provides real benefit to patients and clinicians.

Present Positions And Title

Alumni-Group Leader

Social Media


2021 - 2024Hertie Institute for AI in Brain HealthGroup leader
2019 - 2020Ava AG, SwitzerlandManager Data Science
2018 - 2019Ava AG, SwitzerlandSenior Data Scientist
2017 - 2018ETH Zurich, SwitzerlandPost-Doc
2012 - 2017Imperial College London, UKPhD student
2012Zuehlke AG, SwitzerlandProduct Development Engineer

Academic Education

YearDegreeInstitutionField of Study
2016PhDImperial College LondonComputer Science
2011MScETH Zurich, SwitzerlandBiomedical Engineering
2009BScETH Zurich, SwitzerlandElectrical Engineering and Information Technology