Jan Lause

Jan Lause
Jan Lause is a PhD student in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health at the University of Tübingen with background in Psychology, Bioinformatics and Neuroscience. He works with single-cell RNA sequencing data, which contains information about which genes are active in a given cell. This type of data helps to understand e.g. the cell type diversity in the brain, but also contains technical noise that needs to be removed before analysis. For that, Jan develops new normalization methods to improve this crucial step in scRNA data analysis. He also writes sci-comm pieces on AI and sustainability and is a volunteer instructor with “KI macht Schule”, an outreach project that brings basic AI education to German schools.
Statistical models of the RNA sequencing process help me to understand why two brain cells show different gene activity. Is the difference just a coincidence, or a sign of new, exciting biology?

Present Positions And Title

Ph.D. Student

Social Media


2018 - presentUniversity of Tübingen, Berens labPhD student
2023 - presentte.ma gGmbHSci-comm writer / Scientific curator
2018University of Tübingen, Berens lab & Euler labLab rotation & Master thesis
2018University of Tübingen, Wichman Lab (Neural information processing)Lab rotation
2014 - 2015University of Osnabrück, König lab (Neurobiopsychology)Internship & Bachelor thesis

Academic Education

YearDergreeInstitutionField of Study
2016 - 2018M.Sc.University of TübingenNeuroscience
2015 - 2016 University of FrankfurtBioinformatics
2011 - 2015B.Sc.University of GöttingenPsychology