In the Department of Data Science we generate knowledge from data to advance neuroscience and ophthalmology.
Schröder, C., Klindt, D., Strauss, S., Franke, K., Bethge, M., Euler, T., & Berens, P.
System identification with biophysical constraints: A circuit model of the inner retina.
Oesterle, J., Behrens, C., Schröder, C., Hermann, T., Euler, T., Franke, K., ... & Berens, P.
Bayesian inference for biophysical neuron models enables stimulus optimization for retinal neuroprosthetics
Pfau, M., Walther, G., von der Emde, L., Berens, P., Faes, L., Fleckenstein, M., ... & Holz, F. G.
Artificial intelligence in ophthalmology: Guidelines for physicians for the critical evaluation of studies.
Ayhan, M. S., Kühlewein, L., Aliyeva, G., Inhoffen, W., Ziemssen, F., & Berens, P.
Expert-validated estimation of diagnostic uncertainty for deep neural networks in diabetic retinopathy detection.
Laturnus, S., von Daranyi, A., Huang, Z., & Berens, P.
MorphoPy: A python package for feature extraction of neural morphologies.
Yoshimatsu, T., Schröder, C., Nevala, N. E., Berens, P., & Baden, T.
Fovea-like photoreceptor specializations underlie single UV cone driven prey-capture behavior in zebrafish.
Szatko, K. P., Korympidou, M. M., Ran, Y., Berens, P., Dalkara, D., Schubert, T., ... & Franke, K.
Neural circuits in the mouse retina support color vision in the upper visual field.
Laturnus, S., Kobak, D., & Berens, P.
A systematic evaluation of interneuron morphology representations for cell type discrimination.
Ran, Y., Huang, Z., Baden, T., Schubert, T., Baayen, H., Berens, P., ... & Euler, T.
Type-specific dendritic integration in mouse retinal ganglion cells.
Höfling, L., Oesterle, J., Berens, P., & Zeck, G
Probing and predicting ganglion cell responses to smooth electrical stimulation in healthy and blind mouse retina.
Zhao, Z., Klindt, D. A., Maia Chagas, A., Szatko, K. P., Rogerson, L., Protti, D. A., ... & Euler, T.
The temporal structure of the inner retina at a single glance.
Power, M. J., Rogerson, L. E., Schubert, T., Berens, P., Euler, T., & Paquet‐Durand, F.
Systematic spatiotemporal mapping reveals divergent cell death pathways in three mouse models of hereditary retinal degeneration.
Cadwell, C. R., Scala, F., Fahey, P. G., Kobak, D., Mulherkar, S., Sinz, F. H., ... & Tolias, A. S.
Cell type composition and circuit organization of clonally related excitatory neurons in the juvenile mouse neocortex.
Berens, P., Waldstein, S. M., Ayhan, M. S., Kuemmerle, L., Agostini, H., Stahl, A., & Ziemssen, F.
Potential of methods of artificial intelligence for quality assurance.
Grote, T., & Berens, P.
On the ethics of algorithmic decision-making in healthcare.
Schröder, C., James, B., Lagnado, L., & Berens, P.