In the Department of Data Science we generate knowledge from data to advance neuroscience and ophthalmology.

Baden, T., Euler, T., & Berens, P.

Understanding the retinal basis of vision across species.

Dec 12, 2020 | Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 21(1), 5-20.
Schröder, C., Klindt, D., Strauss, S., Franke, K., Bethge, M., Euler, T., & Berens, P.

System identification with biophysical constraints: A circuit model of the inner retina.

Dec 08, 2020 | Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 33, 15439-15450.
Oesterle, J., Behrens, C., Schröder, C., Hermann, T., Euler, T., Franke, K., ... & Berens, P.

Bayesian inference for biophysical neuron models enables stimulus optimization for retinal neuroprosthetics

Oct 27, 2020 | Elife, 9, e54997.
Pfau, M., Walther, G., von der Emde, L., Berens, P., Faes, L., Fleckenstein, M., ... & Holz, F. G.

Artificial intelligence in ophthalmology: Guidelines for physicians for the critical evaluation of studies.

Aug 28, 2020 | Der Ophthalmologe, 117, 973-988.
Ayhan, M. S., Kühlewein, L., Aliyeva, G., Inhoffen, W., Ziemssen, F., & Berens, P.

Expert-validated estimation of diagnostic uncertainty for deep neural networks in diabetic retinopathy detection.

Aug 20, 2020 | Medical image analysis, 64, 101724.
Laturnus, S., von Daranyi, A., Huang, Z., & Berens, P.

MorphoPy: A python package for feature extraction of neural morphologies.

Aug 03, 2020 | Journal of Open Source Software, 5(52), 2339.
Yoshimatsu, T., Schröder, C., Nevala, N. E., Berens, P., & Baden, T.

Fovea-like photoreceptor specializations underlie single UV cone driven prey-capture behavior in zebrafish.

Jul 22, 2020 | Neuron, 107(2), 320-337.
Szatko, K. P., Korympidou, M. M., Ran, Y., Berens, P., Dalkara, D., Schubert, T., ... & Franke, K.

Neural circuits in the mouse retina support color vision in the upper visual field.

Jul 13, 2020 | Nature communications, 11(1), 3481.
Laturnus, S., Kobak, D., & Berens, P.

A systematic evaluation of interneuron morphology representations for cell type discrimination.

May 04, 2020 | Neuroinformatics, 18, 591-609.
Ran, Y., Huang, Z., Baden, T., Schubert, T., Baayen, H., Berens, P., ... & Euler, T.

Type-specific dendritic integration in mouse retinal ganglion cells.

Apr 30, 2020 | Nature Communications, 11(1), 2101.
Höfling, L., Oesterle, J., Berens, P., & Zeck, G

Probing and predicting ganglion cell responses to smooth electrical stimulation in healthy and blind mouse retina.

Mar 23, 2020 | Scientific reports, 10(1), 5248.
Zhao, Z., Klindt, D. A., Maia Chagas, A., Szatko, K. P., Rogerson, L., Protti, D. A., ... & Euler, T.

The temporal structure of the inner retina at a single glance.

Mar 10, 2020 | Scientific reports, 10(1), 4399.
Power, M. J., Rogerson, L. E., Schubert, T., Berens, P., Euler, T., & Paquet‐Durand, F.

Systematic spatiotemporal mapping reveals divergent cell death pathways in three mouse models of hereditary retinal degeneration.

Mar 05, 2020 | Journal of Comparative Neurology, 528(7), 1113-1139.
Cadwell, C. R., Scala, F., Fahey, P. G., Kobak, D., Mulherkar, S., Sinz, F. H., ... & Tolias, A. S.

Cell type composition and circuit organization of clonally related excitatory neurons in the juvenile mouse neocortex.

Mar 05, 2020 | Elife, 9, e52951.
Berens, P., Waldstein, S. M., Ayhan, M. S., Kuemmerle, L., Agostini, H., Stahl, A., & Ziemssen, F.

Potential of methods of artificial intelligence for quality assurance.

Feb 24, 2020 | Der Ophthalmologe, 117, 320-325.
Grote, T., & Berens, P.

On the ethics of algorithmic decision-making in healthcare.

Feb 20, 2020 | Journal of medical ethics, 46(3), 205-211.