Sarah Strauß

Sarah Strauß
Sarah is a PhD student in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health at the University of Tübingen and the Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience. In her work she uses data analysis and different modeling approaches to identify and explain the functionality of inhibitory neurons in the mouse retina. For this, she collaborates with experimentalists and focuses on how the retina processes motion and color.
Data analysis and modeling approaches can facilitate our understanding of biological processes.

Present Positions And Title

Alumni-PhD student

Research Group


2018 - 2024University of Tübingen, Berens labPhD student
2018University of Tübingen, Euler labLab rotation
2017University of Tübingen, Münch labEssay rotation
2016Research Center Caesar, Macke labInternship
2015EPFL, Defitech Chair in Brain-Machine InterfaceInternship

Academic Education

YearDergreeInstitutionField of Study
2016 - 2018M.Sc.University of TübingenNeural Information Processing
2010 - 2013B.Sc.University of CologneNeuroscience