Jan Niklas Böhm

Jan Niklas Böhm
Nik is a PhD student in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health at the University of Tübingen and the IMPRS-IS graduate school. He is interested in dimensionality reduction techniques for high-dimensional data. Learning good and compact representations in an unsupervised setting is a key part of that, some examples include contrastive learning in the form of t-SimCNE and t-SNE.
Let’s try to make sense of data by mapping it into two dimensions.

Present Positions And Title

PhD Student

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Since 2021University of TübingenPhD student
2019CERNSummer student
2018BoschStudent employee
2018University of TübingenTeaching assistant
2017German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, KaiserslauternResearch assistant
2015 - 2017RheinMain University of Applied SciencesTeaching assistant

Academic Education 

YearDergreeInstitutionField of Study
2017 - 2020M.Sc.University of TübingenComputer Science
2019M.Sc.University of AmsterdamExchange Semester
2014 - 2017B.Sc.RheinMain University of Applied SciencesApplied Computer Science