Fabio Seel

Fabio Seel
Fabio Seel is a PhD student at the Department of Data Science at Hertie AI. Fabio works on understanding how the retina encodes information before passing it through the optic nerve. Does it follow an efficient coding strategy? Does the importance of a stimulus shape our vision? Which influence has the natural environment of different species on the processing done by their retina? In his work, he uses machine learning approaches to simulate such constraints and compare it to real data. With prior experience in the field of computer vision, Fabio is also interested in comparing the findings about the biological reality to artificial vision.
The interdisciplinary work at the intersection of AI and Neuroscience makes it an exciting field of research: Understanding how the eye processes information inspires new approaches in computer vision and vice versa.

Present Positions And Title

PhD Student

Research Group


Since 2023University of TübingenPhD Student
2022 - 2023Georg-August-University of GöttingenTeaching Assistant
2019 - 2020German Aerospace Center (DLR) / Insitute of AeroelasticityTechnical Employee
2016 - 2019German Aerospace Center (DLR) / Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow TechnologyScientific Software Developer

Academic Education

YearDergreeInstitutionField of Study
2020 - 2023M.ScGeorg-August-University of GöttingenApplied Computer Science
2019 - 2020 Georg-August-University of GöttingenPhysics
2016 - 2019B.ScDHBW MannheimInformation Technology