All Eyes On Tübingen: European Retina Meeting 2023

From September 17-20th, over 200 international retina experts working in visual neuroscience, theoretical modeling and clinical applications met in Tübingen. They gathered to share their latest results, discuss new ideas and meet old friends. Jason Kerr from Bonn kicked-off the meeting with a fascinating keynote in the Freistil ballroom. He talked about how his lab tracks what animals see while they hunt. This topic set one of the overarching themes of the conference: vision under natural conditions.
The main conference then took place in the charming ambience of the Neue Aula and the Museum hall. Our Hertie AI Data Science team also presented their retina-related projects: Sacha gave a talk on visual ecology and deep reinforcement learning, and Kyra, Lisa, Jan and Sarah presented their PhD projects in the poster session – this also marked the debut of our new Hertie AI blue-and-pink color scheme!
Especially for us early career scientists, the European Retina Meeting was a great opportunity to get introduced to the international “retina research family”: Although officially a European meeting, we met scientists from all over the world. After our discussions at the meeting some will become new collaborators and friends, so we look very much forward to the next ERM in 2025 in Pécs, Hungary.