Dr. Jonathan Oesterle

Jonathan Oesterle
Jonathan Oesterle is a Postdoc in the Department of Data Science at the Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health and the Institute for Ophthalmic Research at the University of Tübingen. In his work, he tries to understand the signal processing of the inner retina. He focuses on regional differences within the retina, that may reflect task-specific adaptations.
The retina is the perfect tissue to study the marvels of the central nervous system.

Present Positions And Title


Research Group


Since 2023University of TübingenPostdoc
2018 - 2023University of TübingenPhD student

Academic Education

YearDergreeInstitutionField of Study
2023Ph.D.University of TübingenNeuroscience
2018M.ScUniversity of TübingenNeural Information Processing
2015B.ScUniversity FreiburgEmbedded System Engineering