Roshan Rane

Roshan Rane
Roshan’s Ph.D. research lies at the crossroads of computer science and mental health research. He analyses large population neuroscience databases that include brain MRIs, mental health reports, and ecological assessments (smartphone & smartwatch data). Specifically, Roshan develops explainable machine learning (xAI) methods that can be trained on brain MRIs and discover potential biomarkers of mental health phenotypes such as addiction. Mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and addiction disorders emerge from an interaction between our brains (physiology and psyche) and our environment (demands of life and the structures of our society). Therefore, Roshan aims to develop xAI methods that can predict mental health phenotypes while accounting for the mediating and confounding influence of the environment and society.
To truly understand mental health, we must understand how different brains and their psyche interact with the demands of our environment. I believe, with the current advancements in ML and data science, we can finally address these questions.
Noteboom, S., Seiler, M., Chien, C., Rane, R. P., Barkhof, F., Strijbis, E.M.M,...& Ritter, K.

Evaluation of machine learning-based classification of clinical impairment and prediction of clinical worsening in multiple sclerosis

Jun 23, 2024 | Journal of Neurology
Rane, R. P., Musial, M. P. M., Beck, A., Rapp, M., Schlagenhauf, F., Banaschewski, T., ... & IMAGEN consortium

Uncontrolled eating and sensation-seeking partially explain the prediction of future binge drinking from adolescent brain structure

Jan 01, 2023 | NeuroImage: Clinical
Rane, R. P., de Man, E. F., Kim, J., Görgen, K., Tschorn, M., Rapp, M. A., ... & IMAGEN consortium.

Structural differences in adolescent brains can predict alcohol misuse

May 26, 2022 | Elife
Rane, R. P., Heinz, A., & Ritter, K

AIM in Alcohol and Drug Dependence

Feb 18, 2022 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine